
In 2024, MYBC will pilot its Pathway Program, offering aspiring young dancers an opportunity to participate in a comprehensive 6-week initiative aimed at elevating their skills and knowledge on the journey towards a professional ballet career. 

The program is carefully curated to provide a holistic training experience, blending classical ballet techniques with essential classes and workshops. Through Extension Classical Ballet Classes, Pilates Sessions and Pointe Classes, participants will further develop their foundation in technique, strength, and flexibility.

MYBC's Pathway Program is in addition to your current dance school training, a once-a-week initiative aimed at providing aspiring young dancers with an extra layer of comprehensive training to complement their existing dance training.

Along side the core classes, participants will engage in various workshops designed to offer insights beyond traditional training, fostering a deeper understanding of the dance industry and the professional skills required for success. These workshops cover topics such as audition preparation, injury prevention, nutrition for dancers, and career pathways Q&A.

Looking ahead to 2025, MYBC plans to launch a full yearly program offering nationally accredited certification. This program will provide dancers with the opportunity to undergo further training and assessment, culminating in a recognised certification that validates their skills and prepares them for professional opportunities in the world of dance.

The yearly program will build upon the success and learnings from the pilot Pathway Program, offering a comprehensive curriculum designed to support dancers in their pursuit of excellence.